Kudos to Lagos, Ogun Women Groups for May 5 2014 and other rallies to #BringBackOurGirls

The responsibility for the security of all Nigerians belongs to the Nigerian government.  This principle is affirmed in Nigeria's constitution.  

Sections 13, and Sections 14, Subsections 1, 2 a-c

We have so far become comfortable with a situation where people have been left to fend for themselves and engage in self help to provide water, roads, good schools, and security (sometimes using ethnic militia).  The Nigerian government should realize that it must take the welfare, well-being and security of all Nigerians more seriously and demonstrate this in concrete terms that ALL Nigerians experience in their daily lives.   

We have a democracy and Nigerians through the various Bring Back Our Girls rallies are calling on the Nigerian government to live up to the promise made by our constitution, that:  the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government 

So, Federal Government of Nigeria, #BringBackOurGirls!  More to come


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