iconic photo of Sudanese women dubbed "Kandake" (Queen) led protest that culminated in fall of Omar el Bashir regime






Wednesday 12:50-03:30PM; 2611 JAMES HALL

Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome, Ph.D.,
3413 James Hall
Phone:  (718) 951-5000, ext. 1742; fax:  (718) 951-4833
Office Hours:  Mondays & Wednesdays, 4-5pm and by appointment
**When sending email, please write “African Women and Feminism in the subject line so that I can prioritize answering your email. Preferred Email address:
Feminists assume that there are commonalities shared by all women in the world, which arise from the exercise of patriarchy. As a critical movement, feminism brought a great deal of necessary awareness to the injustices of a social system that privileged some people based on their gender, and oppressed others based on their being less than the norm - the male. However, the feminist movement, in its universalization of the principles of gender analysis, itself developed a hierarchical structure which privileged western bodies of thought and experiences over all others. This course would present the various critiques of feminism that have emerged from African women scholars, and the consequences of this debate to gender relations on the continent.  Our goal is to inquire into the relationship between politics and power.  In doing so, we will consider the underlying assumptions and methods that shape ideas and thought in economic, social, and political life.   
      This course will engage in the analysis of various schools of feminism, resistance to Western feminist thought, proposal of alternative conceptions of feminism and women’s power, particular focus on critiques and alternative theories by African women scholars and activists.    
      A critical pedagogical method will be employed.  This involves meticulous examination of authors' statements to reveal the social and cultural values of the society, the assumptions, presuppositions and implicit arguments of the readings.  The elements involved in this approach are logic, analysis, debate, resourcefulness and initiative.
Conceptual Goals
The primary conceptual goal for this course is to develop an awareness the various strands of feminist analysis particularly African discourses on feminism and women’s power and contestations between African women scholars who embrace feminism and those who reject it.  Students should also grasp the nature of structural inequality and hegemonic control in scholarship on feminism, as well as in African societies.  It is also important to understand how these unequal relations have shaped the form and content of analysis on African women.  These unequal relations have also affected how African women live their lives.  Critical thinking is crucial for us to succeed in improving our level of understanding.   A critical thinker* is someone who:
·    Raises vital questions and problems;
·    Gathers and assess relevant information to interpret them effectively;
·    Comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions;
·    Thinks open-mindedly within alternative systems of thought, being cognizant of your own assumptions and their implications for thinking; and
·    Communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems.
(Richard Paul and Linda Elder. 1999. The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts & Tools.  The Foundation for Critical Thinking, 1.)
Measurable Objectives
     Students should be able to conduct a socio-political analysis on African women and their lives.  They should be able to demonstrate how scholarly discourse and broad social forces have shaped our understanding of who African women are and how they fit into society over time.  Using material from the text, class discussion and lecture material, students should also be able to show how the social locations of African women produce different experiences of privilege and disadvantage in society, while the positioning of people within families creates variations in the empowerment and disempowerment of individuals in social, political and economic life.  Evidence of the ability to do a socio-political analysis will be assessed through a series of low and high stakes assignments and two examinations.  Critical thinking will be developed in a number of ways.  Each week we will pose important questions relevant to understanding diversity in family life.  The assigned readings and lectures will provide the background material necessary for students to develop reasoned responses to these questions.  Online discussion groups will allow students to communicate with one another, questioning their thinking about the material from the course.  Exams and a term paper will provide opportunities to demonstrate critical thinking in written form.
Required Textbooks
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Purple Hibiscus Random House
Sefi Atta Everything Good Will Come Interlink Books, 2001
Mariama Ba So Long a Letter. Heinemann, 1989.
Tsitsi Dangarembga Nervous Conditions 
Online Course packet of selected articles and essays available at the course’s Blackboard site.
Recommended texts
Mama, Amina Fatou Sow & Ayesha Imam, eds. Engendering African Social Sciences Dakar, Codesria, 1997
Mikell, Gwendolyn, ed. African Feminism: The Politics of Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
Narayan, Uma Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions and 3rd World Feminism N.Y: Routledge, 1997.
Oyewumi, Oyeronke ed. African Women and Feminism: Reflecting on the Politics of Sisterhood. NJ: Africa World Press, 2003
Oyewumi, Oyeronke The Invention of Women: Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1997.
Amadiume, Ifi Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender and Sex in An African Society.  London:  Zed Books, 1987
Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn, Sharon Harley & Andrea Benton Rushing, eds. Women in Africa and the African Diaspora Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1989
Grading Policy
Grades for this course will be determined as follows:
Participation in all classes is required.  One half point will be taken off for each case of non-participation. Only medical reasons and other serious emergencies will be accepted.
How is class participation measured?  Students are expected to complete all assigned readings and to participate in all classroom discussions.   (Note that this component, which is mandatory, consists of attendance, up to date reading of all assigned materials. and articulate, well-reasoned discussion. The appropriateness and relevance of your participation is taken very seriously.  (15%)
·    Pay attention to each week’s Learning Objectives.  This will let you know what you should be able to do after finishing the work for the week.  It might be a good idea for you to read the learning objectives before reading the assigned chapter.  However, you should do the assigned reading before continuing on to the lecture.
·    Also, you are given some hints and tasks for your Term Paper.  As a “term” paper, you will be doing this over the entire term (vs. the week before it is due). 
In addition to these weekly activities, there will be two exams and a term paper.
Each exam will count for 30% of your course grade (or cumulatively 60%).  Exams will be made up of a series of essay questions. 
TERM PAPER:  A ten-page paper is required.  25%
Due date:  May 11th
NOTE:  Students must submit their topics/subjects for approval by the fourth week of classes – March 23rd   
·       Term Paper    Over the course of the term, students will be exploring some aspect of feminism, womanism, and women’s empowerment in Africa in some detail.  You are asked to think about women’s empowerment in terms of the political, economic and social challenges and opportunities that African women confront.  The readings in the first week help to situate these concerns).  For example, disparities in social standing, economic and political power present several challenges to African women that prevent them from rising to the top in all these spheres.  The fact that some women are able to surmount these challenges and attain positions of power also means that there are some opportunities.  As a political scientist, you are asked to address these issues in a paper that will have three parts.  In addition, there will four checkpoints in the term where I will ask you to submit material from your paper.  The project will unfold as follows:
Part One
What is the problem?  In this part of the paper you will address your problem by defining what it is and why it’s a problem.  For example, you might choose political participation.  You would need to do some research to focus in on what is meant by political participation, how it is measured, and how prevalent it is.  You might begin with a search in Academic Search Premier, J-Stor, Project Muse, and selected newspaper articles.  You might even check the index of your textbook and look ahead to how we have written about the subject.  The primary point, however, is to engage in political analysis in how you conceptualize the problem.  All paper topics must be approved before the end of the fourth week of class
Part Two
How is this problem related to issues of gender, ethnicity, social class, social status, and/or age.  You will have read enough material in class by the third week to understand the issues of ethnic diversity, and power disparity.  You can now focus more in your reference searches using our library's online full-text databases.  You are welcome, and encouraged, to extend beyond Academic Search Premier.  J-Stor, Project Muse, and selected newspaper articles and other library databases should be explored as sources of scholarly, peer reviewed articles for your paper.  For books, search in World Catalog.  Do not depend on search engines like Google, and if you are inclined to do so, email me first.  Your paper must be based on scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. 
Part Three
How can this problem be addressed?  Now that you have a clear understanding of what the problem is, and how it is experienced differently across groups, what are some ways to address the problem?  How can we institute social change? 
o  End of week two:  start thinking about paper topics.
o  End of week four:  paper topic must be approved.  Begin working on the outline of paper and references
o  End of week seven: updated outline and references gathered “so far.”, and a thesis statement.
o  End of week nine:  Annotated bibliography.  An annotated bibliography gives a brief summary of each source that you would use for your paper in at least three paragraphs and also what the source would contribute to your paper.
Papers will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Ideas and content
The writer brings to bear her or his own ideas and sees them in relation to the question being raised on issues relevant to the class.  This means you should show good socio-political imagination.
Organization and development
·        The essay has a thesis, and the writing goes on at sufficient length to accommodate extended thought and the development of the idea (10 pages of 12 point roman text). 
·        The writing reflects a coherent plan of development.
Use of source material
·        The writer uses quotations, details, and examples from texts appropriately in support of his or her interpretations. 
§  Sources can include our textbook, academic articles, and minor use of media sources (the latter used only to establish that the topic is noteworthy for because it has attracted media attention).
Revising and editing
·        The essay is relatively free from minor errors such as those in spelling, sentence structure, and grammar, so as to allow for relatively unimpeded reading.

IMPORTANT DATES:  See Last page.
Grades will be assigned as follows: 
There will be no extra credit allowed for this course.
Policy on Student Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom (e.g., on discussion boards) in compliance with the university's regulations regarding civility.  Students are expected to comply with all regulations pertaining to academic honesty as well.  For further information, visit Http://
Statement Regarding Disabilities
Students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, who have any emergency medical information that I should know, or who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, should make an appointment with me as early as possible, no later than the first Week of the term.  Students seeking accommodations should be registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. Also see:
Outline of Course and Due Dates
Week and Topic
Reading Assignments
Discussion Prompt for Color Boards
Term Paper-related tasks.
WEEK 1 Introduction to the Course:  Week 1: Issue:  Framing the issues  Establishing what is involved in this approach. 
  1. Mohanty, Chandra Talpade “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses” Feminist Review NO : 30 Autumn, 1988 PP : 61-88
  2. King, Deborah K.Multiple Jeopardy, “Multiple Consciousness: The Context of a Black Feminist Ideology” Signs VO : 14 NO : 1 Autumn, 1988, PP : 42-72
  1. Dube, M. (1999). Searching for the Lost Needle: Double Colonization & Poscolonial African Feminisms. Studies in World Christianity, 5(2), 213.

  1. Badejo, D. (1998, Summer). African feminism: Mythical and social power of women of African descent. Research in African Literatures, 29(2), 94.
  2. Begin reading Tsitsi Dangarembga Nervous Conditions
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.
Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by Mohanty, King, and Badejo. What is their position on feminism?
Search Academic Search Premier.  J-Stor, Project Muse, and other databases in the Library’s electronic database list.  selected newspaper articles, and other library databases should be explored as sources of scholarly, peer reviewed articles for your paper.  For books, search in World Catalog to get ideas on course project
Week 2
Issue: Understanding the roots, history, and strands of feminism.  
1.  Owomoyela, Oyekan “With Friends like These... A Critique of Pervasive Anti-Africanisms in Current African Studies Epistemology and Methodology” African Studies Review VO: 37 NO: 3 Dec., 1994, PP : 77-101
2.  Phillips, Layli; McCaskill, Barbara “Who's Schooling Who? Black Women and the Bringing of the Everyday into Academe, or Why We Started "The Womanist" SignsVO : 20 NO : 4, Summer, 1995 PP : 1007-1018
3.  Reed, P. (2001, September). Africana Womanism and African Feminism: A Philosophical, Literary, and Cosmological Dialectic on Family. Western Journal of Black Studies, 25(3), 168.
4.  Margaret Snyder  “African Contributions to the Global Women’s  Movement” Lecture at University of Wisconsin, April 9, 2003.     (available on Blackboard)
5.  Filomina Chioma Steady “An Investigative Framework For Gender Research In Africa In The New Millennium”
Epstein, Barbara “The Successes And Failures Of Feminism” Journal of Women's History 7/31/2002 V.14; N.2 118
6.  Ginzberg, Lori D. “Re-Viewing the First Wave” Feminist Studies, VO : 28 , NO : 2, Summer, 2002,  PP : 418-434 Second Wave Feminism in the United States
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student
Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by Layli et al.,  Snyder, and Steady.  What is each scholar’s position on feminism? How are these positions similar or different?
*Begin thinking about a topic for your term paper.  Topics must be approved
Choose the topic for research paper and begin library research. 
Writing assignment: hand in one page with topic of research paper,
Assignment - answer the question, what is feminism? Who is a feminist?  Students will edit and re-write the paper as a homework assignment, which will be kept in a portfolio.
Week 3
Issue:  What are the grounds of dispute between feminists?
1.    Amina Mama,  “Gender Studies for Africa’s Transformation” Paper Presented at CODESRIA 30th Anniversary Grand Finale 12th Dec 2003
2.  Chi-Chi Uchendu “Proper” Women or Preconceived Notions?: The Impact of Gender and Cultural Differences Upon Development Policy”
3. Bibi Bakare-Yusuf “Beyond Determinism: The Phenomenology of African Female Existence”  Feminist Africa, Issue 2, 2003
4.  Azuonye, C. (2006, April). Feminist or Simply Feminine?: Reflections on the Works of Nana Asmā'u, a Nineteenth-Century West African Woman Poet, Intellectual, and Social Activist. Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism, 6(2), 54-77. Retrieved January 28, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.
5.  Makan, Vainola “Women in Africa: Women's Movements and the State” Agenda Celebrating 10 Years NO: 34, 1997, PP : 80-88
6.  Tripp, Aili Mari “Rethinking Difference: Comparative Perspectives from Africa” Signs
VO : 25 NO : 3, Spring, 2000 PP : 649-675.
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes. Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
Writing assignment:  In at least three paragraphs, identify what you consider to be the position taken by these scholars.  Re-write this paper as a homework assignment.  Keep it in your portfolio. The goal of your writing is to make the case that there are different scholarly perspectives on the same issue:  Women’s empowerment and feminism in the African continent.
Week 4
Issue: examining the hoary problems of feminism 

1.  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Purple Hibiscus Random House
2.  Nzegwu, Nkiru. "Iyoba Idia:  The Hidden Oba of Benin." JENDA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies Issue 9: 2006
3. Judith van Allen "Sitting on a Man": Colonialism and the Lost Political Institutions of Igbo Women Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, Vol. 6, No. 2, Special Issue: The Roles of African Women: Past, Present and Future. (1972), pp. 165-181.
4.  Judith Van Allen “ ‘Aba Riots’ or Igbo ‘Women’s War’?  Ideology, Stratification, and the Invisibility of Women.” In Nancy J. Hafkin and Edna G. Bay, Women in Africa:  Studies in Social and Economic Change.  Stanford, CA:  Stanford University Press, 1976, pp. 59-85.
NOTE:  Term Paper Topic Due
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes. Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
Continue writing.
*Turn in outline and references accessed to date.
Questions: If the author of Purple Hibiscus were available, what questions would you ask her? 
What is Nzegwu’s argument?  What is Van Allen’s argument?
Week 5   
Issue:  Enumerate the gender issues identified in the text for analyses in class.
1.  Charmaine Pereira “Between Knowing and Imagining: What Space for Feminism in Scholarship on Africa?”
2.  Amory, Deborah P. "Homosexuality" in Africa: Issues and Debates” Issue: A Journal of Opinion VO : 25 NO : 1, 1997 PP : 5-10
3.  O'Barr, Jean F.; Tinker, Irene; Hultman, Tami; Gaidzanwa, Rudo; Guy-Sheftall, Beverly; Callaway, Helen; Basu, Amrita; Bernstein, Alison “Reflections on Forum '85 in Nairobi, Kenya: Voices from the International Women's Studies Community” Signs VO: 11 NO : 3 Spring, 1986 PP : 584-608
4.  Hendessi, Mandana “Fourteen Thousand Women Meet: Report from Nairobi, July 1985” Feminist Review
Socialist-Feminism: Out of the Blue, NO : 23, Socialist-Feminism: Out of the Blue Summer, 1986, PP : 147-156
5.   Chow, Esther Ngan-ling “Conference Reports; Reflections on the Fourth World Conference on Women and NGO Forum '95: Making Waves, Moving Mountains: Reflections on Beijing '95 and beyond” Signs VO: 22 NO: 1 Autumn, 1996 PP : 185-192
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes. Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
Continue research and writing.  Identify the arguments made by these scholars.  On what points do they agree?  On what points do they disagree?  This assignment will be rewritten, and will evolve into the two- page opinion paper on African feminism.  Continue writing. Writing assignment: thesis statement of research paper, and two annotated bibliographic sources
Week 6
Issue: Enumerate the gender issues identified in the text for analyses 
1.  Molara Ogundipe-Leslie “Invite Tyrants to Commit Suicide:  Gender Violence, Human Rights, and African Women in Contemporary African Nation States.”  In Gender Violence and Women’s Human Rights in Africa. Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Rutgers University, 1994, pp. 1-8.
2.  Gawaya, R., & Mukasa, R. (2005, November). The African women’s protocol: a new dimension for women’s rights in Africa. Gender & Development, 13(3), 42-50.
3.  Geisler, Gisela 'Parliament is Another Terrain of Struggle': Women, Men and Politics in South Africa”  The Journal of Modern African Studies VO: 38 NO : 4 Dec., 2000 PP : 605-630
4.  Doezema, Jo “Ouch!: Western Feminists' 'Wounded Attachment' to the 'Third World Prostitute'” Feminist Review NO : 67, Spring, 2001, PP : 16-38
5.  Berkovitch, Nitza; Bradley, Karen “The Globalization of Women's Status: Consensus/Dissensus in the World Polity” Sociological Perspectives VO: 42 NO: 3 Autumn, 1999, PP : 481-498
6.  McDowell, Linda “Doing Gender: Feminism, Feminists and Research Methods in Human Geography”  Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers VO: 17 NO: 4 , 1992, PP: 399-416
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.
Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
*Expanded outline and references due. 
*Corrected thesis statement and research questions due.. 
Week 7
Issue:  Enumerate the gender issues identified in the text for analyses in class. 
1.  Nettles, Kimberly D.; Patton, Venetria K. “Seen but Not Heard: The Racial Gap between Feminist Discourse and Practice” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies VO : 21
NO : 3, Identity and the Academy 2000, PP : 64-81
2.  Achola Pala Okeyo “Women and Africa:  Reflections on Development Myths” Africa Report, March-April 1981, pp.  7-10.
3.  Ransby, Barbara “Black Feminism at Twenty-One: Reflections on the Evolution of a National Community” Signs VO : 25 NO : 4, Summer, 2000 PP : 1215-1221
4.  duCille, Ann The Occult of True Black Womanhood: Critical Demeanor and Black Feminist Studies  Signs VO : 19 NO : 3 Spring, 1994, PP : 591-629
5.  Booth, Karen M. “Internationalism and Women's Welfare - National Mother, Global Whore, and Transnational Femocrats: The Politics of AIDS and the Construction of Women at the World Health Organization” Feminist Studies VO : 24 NO : 1, Spring, 1998
PP : 115-139

Midterm exam 
Week 8
Issue:  Enumerate the gender issues identified in the text for analyses in class. 
1.  Radford-Hill, Sheila Keepin' It Real: A Generational Commentary on Kimberly Springer's "Third Wave Black Feminism?" Signs VO : 27 NO : 4 Summer, 2002 PP : 1083-1089
2.  Brouwer, Ruth Compton “Books for Africans: Margaret Wrong and the Gendering of African Writing, 1929-1963” The International Journal of African Historical Studies VO : 31
NO : 1, 1998, PP : 53-71
3.  Friedman, Susan Stanford “Beyond White and Other: Relationality and Narratives of Race in Feminist Discourse” Signs VO : 21 NO : 1 Autumn, 1995, PP : 1-49
4.  Monga, Yvette Djachechi “Dollars and Lipstick: The United States through the Eyes of African Women” Africa: Journal of the International African Institute VO : 70, NO : 2, 2000 PP : 192-208
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.  Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
Continue writing and research.   
Writing assignment: four more annotated bibliographic sources. 
Week 9  
Issue: Enumerate the gender issues identified in the text for analyses in class. 
1.   Maher, Frances A.; Tetreault, Mary Kay, “Frames of Positionality: Constructing Meaningful Dialogues about Gender and Race” Anthropological Quarterly VO : 66 NO : 3, Jul., 1993, PP : 118-126
2.  Ware, Vron “Moments of Danger: Race, Gender, and Memories of Empire” History and Theory VO : 31 NO : 4, Dec., 1992, PP : 116-137
3. Kanyoro, Musimbi,Engendered Communal Theology: African Women's Contribution to Theology in the Twenty-First Century. By: Feminist Theology: The Journal of the Britain & Ireland School of Feminist Theology, May 2001, Issue 27
4.  Steegstra, Marijke,'A Mighty Obstacle To The Gospel': Basel Missionaries, Krobo Women, And Conflicting Ideas Of Gender And Sexuality. Journal of Religion in Africa, 2002, Vol. 32, Issue 2
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.  Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
Draft research paper due.  
Week 10
Issue:  Understanding the issues in the construction of African women’s history. 
1.  Mbilinyi, Marjorie, “Women Studies and the Crisis in Africa” Social Scientist VO : 13
NO : 10/11, Oct. - Nov., 1985, PP : 72-85
2.  McFadden, P. (2005). “Becoming Postcolonial: African Women Changing the Meaning of Citizenship”. (pp. 1-18). Indiana University Press.
3.  Readings:  Mikell, G. (1995, Summer). African feminism: Toward a new politics of representation. Feminist Studies, 21(2), 405.

4.  Felicia I. Ekejiuba “Down to Fundamentals:  Women-centered Hearth-holds in Rural West Africa.”  In In Nancy J. Hafkin and Edna G. Bay, Women in Africa:  Studies in Social and Economic Change.  Stanford, CA:  Stanford University Press, 1976, pp. 47-61
5.  Hoppe, Kirk “Whose Life Is It, Anyway?: Issues of Representation in Life Narrative Texts of African Women” The International Journal of African Historical Studies” VO : 26 NO : 3 1993 PP : 623-636
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.  Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
Individual conference with each student on necessary corrections to research paper.    

Week 11 
Issue:  Making Commitments: Cohabitation and Singlehood
Identify the key issues and arguments.  

1.  Nakanyike B. Musisi, “Colonial and Missionary Education:  Women and Domesticity in Uganda, 1900-1945, in Karen Tranberg Hansen, ed.  African Encounters With Domesticity.  New Brunswick:  NJ:  Rutgers University Press, pp.  172-194.
2.  Thérèse Locoh “Social Change and Marriage Arrangements:  New Types of Union in Lomé, Togo, in Catherine Bledsoe and Gilles Pison, eds.  Nuptiality in Sub-Saharan Africa:  Contemporary Anthropological and Demographic Perspectives.  Oxford:  Clarendon Press, 1994, pp. 215-230.s
3.  Mariama Ba So Long a Letter. Heinemann, 1989.
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.  Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?

What are the three most important points made by Musisi and Locoh?
If the author of were available, So Long a Letter what questions would you ask her?
Week 12
Issue:  Outline the argument and the basis of critique.  
2.  Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo Womanism: “The Dynamics of the Contemporary Black Female Novel in English” Signs VO : 11 NO : 1, Autumn, 1985, PP : 63-80
3.  Parmar, Pratibha; Minh-ha, Trinh T., “Woman, Native, Other”, Feminist Review NO : 36 Autumn, 1990, PP : 65-74

All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes.  Focus of class discussion:  identify three main issues raised by each author.  How are the perspectives similar?  How are they different?
In-class writing assignment:  What is Dangarembga argument?  What is Okonjo-Ogunyemi’s argument? What do Parmar and Minh-ha argue? What are their critiques of Western Feminism? 
Week 13
Issue:  Outline the argument and critiques of feminism. 
2.  Okome, Mojubaolu "What Women, Whose Development? A Critical Analysis of Reformist Feminist Evangelism on African Women in Oyeronke Oyewumi, ed. African Women and Feminism: Responses to the Politics of Sisterhood Trenton: Africa World Press, 2003.
2.  Leslye A. Obiora "The Little Foxes that Spoil the Vine: Re-visiting the Feminist Critique of Female Circumcision," Canadian Journal of Women & Law, 9, 46 (1996). Reprinted in African Women and Feminism: Responses to the Politics of Sisterhood, ed., Oyeronke Oyewumi (Trenton, NJ.: Africa World Press, 2003).
3.  Fuambai Ahmadu
Ahmadu, F. (2007) “Ain’t I a woman too?: challenging myths of sexual dysfunction in circumcised women." From "Transcultural Bodies: Female Genital Cutting in Global Context." Y. Hernlund and B. Shell-Duncan (eds). Rutgers University Press, pp 278-310
4.  Ahmadu, F. (2000) "Rites and wrongs: excision and power among Kono women of Sierra Leone." From "Female 'Circumcision': Culture, Controversy, and Change." B. Shell-Duncan and Y. Hernlund (eds). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp 283-312
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes
Compare and Contrast Okome Obiora & Ahmadu’s arguments.
Sefi Atta Everything Good Will Come Interlink Books, 2001
All students
contribute to framing the issues. One student summarizes board
What is the perspective presented by Atta in this book?
FINAL Exams 
You will choose two out of five essay questions.  You are expected to draw on the readings, lectures and class discussions.


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