
Showing posts from November, 2021

Insurgency, Banditry, Abductions and Human Security in West Africa: Nigerian Women’s Perspectives

Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome is pleased to collaborate with the Lagos Studies Association, the African Peacebuilding Network, and the Nigerian Studies Association to organize four Zoom Webinars on the perspectives of Nigeria-based women scholars, activists, and civil society leaders on banditry, insurgency, and insecurity in West Africa. To facilitate participation, the co-organizers will give 5gb of Internet data to 100 participants from Nigeria. Register for free data here: --------Poster credit: Seun Williams---------------- Insurgency, Banditry, Abductions and Human Security in West Africa: Women’s Perspectives Co-organized by Professor Olufunke Okome, the Lagos Studies Association, African Peacebuilding Network, and the Nigerian Studies Association Format: Zoom Webinar Date: December 3 and 4, 2021 Time: 3:00-8:00pm (Nigeria Time); 9:00-2:00pm (US Eastern Time) ------------------------ Day I Panel I. Friday December 3. Time: 3-5pm (Nigeria Time) 9-11am (US Easter...

African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization, part 5 of 6.

Do you want to know what I think about this? Although I wrote the paper in 2004, I haven't changed my mind. You can now view the 6th of 6 videos of my reading of African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization. If you'd like to read the paper, go to the following link: Okome, Mojubaolu, African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization (2005). Sage Race Relations Abstracts, Vol 30(2): 3-26, 2005, Available at SSRN: #Africanwomen , #AfricanDiaspora , #AfricanGenderPolitics , #Globalization , #LaborandGlobalization , #GenderandGlobalization , #Feminism , #PowerandPolitics , #Africa , #Gender , #cosmopolitanism , #identitypolitics , #hybridity , #intersectionality ,

African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization, part 5 of 6.

Do you want to know what I think about this? Although I wrote the paper in 2004, I haven't changed my mind. You can now view the 5th of 6 videos of my reading of African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization. If you'd like to read the paper, go to the following link: Okome, Mojubaolu, African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization (2005). Sage Race Relations Abstracts, Vol 30(2): 3-26, 2005, Available at SSRN: #Africanwomen , #AfricanDiaspora , #AfricanGenderPolitics , #Globalization , #LaborandGlobalization , #GenderandGlobalization , #Feminism , #PowerandPolitics , #Africa , #Gender , #cosmopolitanism , #identitypolitics , #hybridity , #intersectionality ,

African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization, Part 3 of 6.

Do you want to know what I think about this? Although I wrote the paper in 2004, I haven't changed my mind. You can now view the 3rd of 6 videos of my reading of African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization. If you'd like to read the paper, go to the following link: Okome, Mojubaolu, African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization (2005). Sage Race Relations Abstracts, Vol 30(2): 3-26, 2005, Available at SSRN: #Africanwomen , #AfricanDiaspora , #AfricanGenderPolitics , #Globalization , #LaborandGlobalization , #GenderandGlobalization , #Feminism , #PowerandPolitics , #Africa , #Gender , #cosmopolitanism , #identitypolitics , #hybridity , #intersectionality ,

African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization, Part 2 of 6.

Do you want to know what I think about this? Although I wrote the paper in 2004, I haven't changed my mind. You can now view the 2nd of 6 videos of my reading of African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization. If you'd like to read the paper, go to the following link: Okome, Mojubaolu, African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization (2005). Sage Race Relations Abstracts, Vol 30(2): 3-26, 2005, Available at SSRN: #Africanwomen , #AfricanDiaspora , #AfricanGenderPolitics , #Globalization , #LaborandGlobalization , #GenderandGlobalization , #Feminism , #PowerandPolitics , #Africa , #Gender , #cosmopolitanism , #identitypolitics , #hybridity , #intersectionality ,

African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Global...

Do you want to know what I think about this? Although I wrote the paper in 2004, I haven't changed my mind. You can now view the first of 6 videos of my reading of African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization. If you'd like to read the paper, go to the following link: Okome, Mojubaolu, African Women and Power: Labor, Gender and Feminism in the Age of Globalization (2005). Sage Race Relations Abstracts, Vol 30(2): 3-26, 2005, Available at SSRN: