Foreword, We Rise: Stories of women who overcome, as told by women who o...
We Rise
Stories of
women who overcome, as told by women who overcame.
Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome
Professor of Political Science, African & Women's Studies
Leonard & Claire Tow
Professor, 2015/2016
Brooklyn College, CUNY
ordinarily don’t read short stories. But my dear Sister, Ejiro Otive Igbuzor
asked me to write the foreword to this collection, and I could not refuse. I am
glad that I accepted. These stories are gems that explore numerous
manifestations of gender relations in Nigerian society. They offer skillfully
written, interesting, thought-provoking and imaginative accounts of the
relationships between men and women. They expose the challenges, fault-lines
and pitfalls as well as the bittersweet and tumultuous relations of dating,
marriage, and breakups....