Foreword, We Rise: Stories of women who overcome, as told by women who o...

Foreword: We Rise

Stories of women who overcome, as told by women who overcame.

Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome
Professor of Political Science, African & Women's Studies

Leonard & Claire Tow Professor, 2015/2016
Brooklyn College, CUNY


I ordinarily don’t read short stories. But my dear Sister, Ejiro Otive Igbuzor asked me to write the foreword to this collection, and I could not refuse. I am glad that I accepted. These stories are gems that explore numerous manifestations of gender relations in Nigerian society. They offer skillfully written, interesting, thought-provoking and imaginative accounts of the relationships between men and women. They expose the challenges, fault-lines and pitfalls as well as the bittersweet and tumultuous relations of dating, marriage, and breakups....


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