
Showing posts from August, 2024

A SAPPED DEMOCRACY: The Political Economy of the SAP & the Political Tra...

This is part 4 of a reading of my first book, the product of my PhD research. Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome (1998). A Sapped Democracy: The Political Economy of the Structural Adjustment Program and the Democratic Transition in Nigeria, 1983-1993. Baltimore, MD: University Press of America. This part of the book summarizes alternative scholarly views on dual transitions and my methodology in the study. The book is a study of the interaction between liberal economic and political reforms in Nigeria between 1983 and 1993. The work investigates the causes and outcome of the Nigerian state's decision to undertake a simultaneous, dual transition. It considers the role of the state, multilateral organizations and domestic politics as potential causes of policy and the dynamic interaction between economic and political processes during the transition as determinants of the outcome. Few studies focus on the interaction between the role of the multilaterals, external creditors, and the state as ...